Harry J. Whitlow

Harry J. Whitlow
Professor, Docent, DSc, DPhil.

Director, Louisiana Accelerator Center, 
Department of Physics,
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
P.O. Box 43680, Lafayette
LA 70503-2067

P.O. Box 43680

UL Lafayette Physics Department
P.O. Box 43680
Lafayette, LA 70504-3680 - See more at: http://physics.louisiana.edu/about-us/contact-us#sthash.kYIruCwy.dpuf

Teaching Activities

University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2016- )

PHYS202 Electromagnetism (Aug. 2016)

PHYS204 Electormagnetism (honours) (Aug 2016)

Kasetsart University (2012–  )

FYS320 Vacuum course (Feb. 2012)

Nanoanalysis: chemical composition and mapping (Feb. 2013)

Ion Accelerator based methods in industry and research  (1-5 July 2013)

Microscopic chemical analysis: methods and tools (1 –28 February 2014)

Vacuum Techniques (10-21 November 2014)

Quantitative Analysis with ion beam accelerator methods (August 2015)

UNIL-EPFL Doctoral course (2016)

Ion beam methods for geology and mineral science (April 2016)

 ENSMM, Besançon (2015)

Ion Beam Analysis and Ion Interactions with Matter (Nov. 2015)

Haute Ecole Arc  Ingénierie (2012–2016)

IBA course (2014 English text)

IBA course (2014 French text)

Swiss MAS NMT Course 2.2 Nanoanalysis II: chemical composition and mapping (March 2013)

LabView™ for research Engineers

Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) (4 November 2014)

Ion Beam Lithography Lab (October 2015)  Instructions   and  Handout

IBA_cours  (October 2015 French text)

University of Jyväskylä (2011-12)

FYSS585 Advanced computer based data acquisition and control systems

FYSS385 Computer-based data acquisition and control